Jive enters the room.
“What’re you listening to?”
“Oh the LCD Soundsystem that you uploaded to itunes.”
“Yeah, I don’t really get why they are like everyone’s favorite band of the year.”
Generic conversation ensues about the merits of said band and respective Pitchfork, and Idolator reviews and praises.
“Yeah well, it sucks that it is next to KT Tunstall in my itunes. Can I please take this out?”
Jive got mugged in our hood about two months ago, losing his beloved ipod so I’ve been sharing my ‘lil video nano as much as possible, and allowing the additions of some songs and albums, naturally.
“I love that happy little song, shutup.”
“That song is everything that is wrong.”
“Ok, I’ll agree with you there, but it’s such a happy little song!”
“Wow, I didn’t expect you to agree with me, I expected you to call me a bitch.”
“Yeah well, I like that song.”
“Dude, if I die, someone is going to think I like fucking KT Tunstall! These are the things I worry about.”
“No one is going to look at your ipod if you die.”
“Yes they are, if I die in the street or something.”
“Look, if you die, I’m going to be the one who goes to identify the body anyway, and I will take the ipod.”
“If I die in the street somewhere, and am taken to the hospital someone is going to look at my ipod and think I liked KT Tunstall.”
“No one is going to look at a dead woman’s ipod!”
“Yes they are, I would!”
“You’re sick.”
“I really would, if I worked in a hospital or something.”
“That’s morbid yo.”
“No it’s not, its curiosity. The same reason people read collections of people’s suicide notes.”
“That’s because suicide notes are fascinating.”
“So are dead people’s ipods and playlists!”
“There should be a website, like PostSecret.”
“Or deathspace.”
Oh, and the song that plagues my mind (and itunes) is that favorite of plucky romantic comedies featuring career gals that are supposed to be average and identifiable-with, but of course are superhot, and kinda clumsy to make them more real and lovable, but they're all versions of the ideal woman anyway JUST THE WAY THEY ARE .
SUDDENLY I SEE! THIS IS....etc.I need a beer.
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