Monday, April 27, 2009

summer of swine

So even with all the pretty weather that all you kids love so much (and OK, I will admit to basking in a nice PBR-in-the-backyard of my fave local bar on Sunday moment)I feel like the mood this spring is a bit grim. Or there's an undertone of it at least - old media is increasingly boned, our economy is fucked, and it seems like every other person is looking for a job.

Of course, given the name of this blog, we sympathize. I'm lucky for now, but believe me, I worry. All my skills are in a field considered a luxury (books). whee. I feel the gap growing larger between everyone with even minimal income to spend on things like books, tickets, nights out, and those not. In short, shit sucks. And it isn't going to change anytime soon. Maybe we'll all get the swine flu though, and at least then we'll get some bed rest.

Signs something might not be quite right with me:

- I've been cleaning my apartment regularly. I vacuumed myself into a sweat yesterday.
- I've cooked meals more than twice in the past month.
- I've been thinking over things.

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